Wednesday, July 6, 2011

no, not yet.

Most of my posts here talked about having kids and how we get pestered by relatives and friends asking us to bear a child soon. I have also talked about my frustrations about how we can’t seem to have one, no matter how hard we tried. (okay so technically it was just for a few months and statistics indicate it takes normal healthy couples a minimum of a year to conceive, so it really doesn’t count. but still we did try, just not that hard.)

I think I mentioned a few months back how James and I decided to forego having kids this year. I was a bit sad but I knew it was for the best. We’re just not financially ready and after seeing some friends and relatives go through hell because they had a baby and they were not financially prepared, that just strengthened our resolve to at least try to plan for the future, our future. No, we’re not using pills or whatever form of contraceptive, we’re basically just not trying as hard to get pregnant as compared to a few months ago. Plus with both of us working, we practically have zero time to even think about having kids. LOL. :)

Looking back, I think it was really the smartest decision we made. With Mama sick, I honestly do not see how a baby would fit in all of this. Our hands are just too full right now. So much so that I actually feel a tiny bit blessed that we don’t have kids yet because at least I can focus more of my energy to taking care of Mama, Papa and James.

Although there would be times I’d still get a bit wistful about not having kids yet, a part of me feels that this really is just not the right time. It will come, just not now. And if in case it doesn’t, I'm pretty sure God has other plans for me and James. And yes, though I still do get irked when I get asked the pregnancy question, especially if they keep insisting that we have one right this very moment, but slowly I have learned to deal with it, so that’s another blessing. :)